Hunters, get ready for an event unlike any other: Post Malone's Murder Circus is coming to Hunt: Showdown 1896 on December 12th! This thrilling, limited-time event runs until February 10th, 2025, transporting you to a supernatural carnival that makes its mark on the bayou, gulch and beyond.
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Post Malone, the Deposed King and former Ringmaster, leads the way in this sinister show. After the circus is corrupted by the cursed HelioStone, a supernatural artifact, it brings new threats to the bayou and the Mammon's Gulch. You will face horrific creatures like Ursa Mortis, a monstrous two-headed bear, and haunting Circus Grunts, all while infiltrating a twisted circus compound.
Event Highlights:
• New Enemies: The fearsome Ursa Mortis and Circus Grunts.
• New Weapons: Includes the Shredder - a fast-firing sawblade launcher, Chu Ko Nu – a repeating crossbow, and new weapon variants.
• Innovative weapon variants: 1865 Carbine Aperture, Krag Silencer, Maynard Sniper Silencer, Sparks Pistol Silencer
• New equipment that changes up the gameplay: Recovery Shot consumable, Subsonic Ammo type.
• In the circus compound, a shooting range and a Fortune Telling Machine await!
• New Features: Enhanced silencer mechanics, agnostic skins for weapon variants, custom weapon inspect animations and many more fixes, tweaks and adjustments!
• Lawson Delta map makes a welcome comeback in a stunning new update.
• Two new Port Sulphur Band songs appear during the event!
Post Malone's Murder Circus begins December 12th. Available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S. Stay tuned and be there when the curtain rises!