The sprawling, eerie lore of Hunt: Showdown 1896 is something we hold near and dear to our larvae-riddled hearts, and we want to assure you that it will not be abandoned. As a part of the greater goal of making past content available to our players again, the first step has been focused on returning all legacy lore to the “Mythos" section of our website. You may have already noticed that the original Book of Monsters has been added, filed under “Corrupted Monsters."
Check out Mythos on our website here
Today we are also excited to bring you a new category of lore: Shocking Events, allowing you to relive every twist and turn of past Event narratives from the Tide trilogy onward via the original texts and, where applicable, the audio recordings that accompanied them.
Oh, to be a fly on the Corrupted walls of the bayou's darkest corners...
To sit undetected on the upper deck of the Delphine as its presence in the Land of the Dead worked to corrode the minds—and bodies—of all who were unfortunate enough to be on board.
To witness the moment The Kid and The Rat returned as Drowned, their new minds heavy with secrets and rot.
To watch in fascinated horror as a man sick with greed found out what happens if you stuff Bounty Tokens down a human's throat and toss them down an oil well.
Your support means the world to us, Hunters, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to work on making all the Library content available again.
So head over to Mythos and relive the legacy lore of Hunt. Become the fly on the wall and bear witness to the stories which helped to make Hunt what it is...if you dare. Do the stories told here represent the whole truth? Have they been embellished, or twisted to leave out key elements? Are they the testimonies of sound minds, or the ramblings of folks gone mad? While the answers may be unclear, one thing is for certain:
To stare into the face of Corruption is to open your mind to its workings.