When we look back at everything that has happened with Hunt: Showdown's development in the ten months since we launched in Early Access, the first thing we have to say is: thank you so much! You, the Hunt community, are the reason we have come so far. You're also the reason we took home the Game Debate Best Early Access Game 2018! It's been a wild ride, and we can't emphasize enough how much all of your feedback and engagement has meant to the team—and how big a role it has played in Hunt's development journey.
Over the past ten months, we've received more than 5000 idea
submissions from over 10,000 Hunters in eight categories on our feedback
platform (feedback.huntshowdown.com). We've also received countless suggestions
on our Discord,
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
and Steam accounts. THANK YOU! Did I already say that? Well,
I'll say it again: thank you Hunt Community—you keep us going!
Soon, we'll be moving Hunt's main feedback channel over to
the Steam forums (and we've just reorganized so it mirrors the current feedback
website experience as closely as possible—check the new area out right here), and of
course, as usual, we will also still be listening on all of our social media
channels—so don't hesitate to speak up there.
We'll be spending the next several weeks analyzing all of
the feedback we've received on the dedicated feedback website since launch, and
though we can't individually answer every single message, know that we read
every single one. We'll be using the results of that analysis to continue to
refine our roadmap for Hunt's full release based on the combined vision that
the Hunt dev team and the community have for the game.
Community Feedback
We've Implemented
We put together a list of all the features that were added
because of community feedback. Thanks to you, Hunt has gotten (in no particular
Death screen
Send friend request
Spectator Mode
Solo Mode/Quickplay
More graphics options
Loot to scavenge from the map (Dead Hunters,
Cash Registers)
New AI for the water (Water Devil)
Daily & Weekly challenges
A system to discourage camping (Dark Sight Boost)
Ability to cancel matchmaking
Ability to burn downed players
Random boss selection so you don't know what
you'll be up against
Reporting system
Hunters scream when hurt or killed
Bunny hopping restriction
Ability to kill horses
Push to talk/mute option
Fall damage
Higher reward for higher-tier Hunters
Crouching/standing icon
Ability to recruit a free Hunter
Eight additional languages and four server
regions (Asia, Oceania, South America, Russia) to accommodate as many Hunter as
Skill-based matchmaking
Partner Inspector
Plans for the Future
We've already added a number of things to our roadmap based
on your feedback, and below you'll find a list of additional
community-suggested additions that we will be implementing before the game's
full release (in no particular order):
New boss(es)
Controller Support
Female Hunters
Further performance optimization and
Custom lobbies
Shooting range
Full onboarding for new players (including
tutorial hints)
New weapons, traps, gadgets, traits, and world
Live events
In-game announcement system
Waypoints, markers, tagging
Outfit selector
Full telegraph debrief
New special AI enemy and more variants
A third map
A new time of day
Dual Wielding
Localization into additional languages and more
Server Regions
Stay in Group feature
This isn't the whole list, however, and you can see it in
full on our online roadmap at https://www.huntshowdown.com/roadmap, and which we will continue to update. As we
mentioned above, we'll still be collecting—and listening to—your feedback, so
stop by on Discord, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
and Steam to let us
know what you think.
One More Thank You
Our final show of gratitude to our
invaluable community today is a little more concrete. To celebrate all we've
accomplished together, we've discounted Hunt at 25% off on Steam. Go
grab copies for all of your friends for the holidays so you can spent the rest
of the winter battling it out together in-game.
Thanks again and I hope to see you in game!