Between October 26th and October 28th a team of eight Hunters traveled to San Jose, California for the industry's biggest streaming event. We had an incredible time at TwitchCon this year, and thank you so much to every single person who stopped by our booth to play a round of Hunt, stream the game, or just to chat. You made the event something we won't forget. J(Photo: Team at TwitchCon)

Players old and new were able to see the Lawson Delta for the very first time at our booth, and everyone who tried it went home with some swag. We're truly grateful to every player who came out to play Hunt—for the first time or for the 10th time. It might sound cheesy, but getting the chance to talk to Hunt players is always an amazing experience for the team. It was great to meet some local Hunters, as well as some of our long-time players.

Throughout the three days of TwitchCon, we had a wide variation of broadcasters streaming the new map exclusively from our broadcaster stage. Over 25 different broadcasters were able to showcase the new map for the very first time from our booth!

The end of every good event deserves an after party, and we had the pleasure of celebrating a successful con with great food and drinks and even greater company!

And of course thanks are also due to our partners—Corsair and AOC—who provided us with sweet equipment for the booth. Check out AOC's curved monitors and Corsair's peripherals at the links.