First of all, a big Hunter's thank you to everyone who participated in our WeaponSkin Contest. This contest is part of our second anniversary celebrations, and we had so much fun looking at all of your submissions! You made it very, very hard to choose a winner. :)
Below we will announce the winner and two runners up – all three of which will be added to the game over the next three updates!! This is a change from our original announcement, but we couldn't pick just one, so we're bending the rules a bit and adding three.
The 20 skins that made honorable mentions are featured on Today's Hunt Twitch Stream, so tune in to get an eyeful of even more community designs.
The prizes
Designers who receive honorable mention will each receive 300 Blood Bonds.
Our two runners up will also receive 300 Blood Bonds each, as well as a copy of each of the three winning skin designs once they are added to the game.
Our grand prize winner will receive a Hunt t-shirt, one copy
of Hunt with all DLCs (or 3000 Blood Bonds), and one copy of each of the top
three weapon skins when they are added to the game!
(We will contact all winners regarding their rewards early next week!)
The winners
And now – drumroll please! – to announce the winner – and two runners up!
Our two runners up are:
Death's Breath – a Winfield M1873 Talon variant created by Corwin Stedmann:

Gator – a Caldwell Rival 78 Handcannon variant by Seven-D and posted on the Hunt Discord:

And our big winner is…
Hedera Mortiferum! A Caldwell Conversion Chain Pistol variant created by Piotr Szekalski and uploaded via Facebook! Check out this beauty:

The winning weapon will be the first we'll add to the game, and you should be seeing it in Update 1.3. The first and second runners up will be adding in Update 1.4. We can't wait to get our hands on them.
Thanks again to everyone who participated. It was a blast looking at all of your designs. We are grateful to have such an engaged and talented community!
-The Hunt Team