The spooky season of Halloween is over and so too, sadly, is our latest live event, 'The Harvest.' We hope you all had a ton of fun unlocking some cool new stuff for your inventory. Before we get into October's selection of awesome community content, we would like to give it up for the winners of our cosplay contest. We absolutely loved seeing so many creative entries for the competition, and it was a seriously tough job for the team to decide our cosplay champs. But prizes must be awarded, so check out our winners' blog post.
As ever, if you're inspired to make something Hunt-related, we'd love you to share it on our social channels for everyone to enjoy. And, of course, your work might also feature in next month's wrap-up. You can find us on Discord, Xbox Club,Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Xbox, Steam, and TikTok.
In October, we loved…
'Dragonskulls' created this super-spooky and deathly-dark version of our beloved-by-all boss Scrapbeak.

Halloween has always been a great inspiration for the community to serve up some superb seasonal content, and this year has been no different. To start us off, big up 'Zac' who created this stunning Hunt Halloween-themed scene.

And props to this pumpkin featuring Scrapbeak from 'FluffyBrigand.'

A Legendary Weapon skin gets some serious love as 'PUTASKULLONIT' snapped this shot of a 'Snake Eyes' Uppercut as part of their cosplay contest entry.

As we move towards the end of our monthly wrap-up, it's time to shine a light on the latest quality content from one of our 'Night of the Hunter' partners.
This month we're sharing a new guide from 'Psychoghost Gaming.' In this video, he gives you an in-depth look into some killer crossbow loadouts in Hunt, alongside some essential crossbow tips.
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Thank you to everybody who shared their creations with us in October. Don't forget to post your latest Hunt-inspired content on our social channels for the community to enjoy and for the chance for us to include it in next month's wrap-up!
- Your Hunt: Showdown Community Team
Don't own Hunt yet? Get a copy for PC on Steam or from the Crytek store. For Xbox, head to the Microsoft Store, and for PS4, visit the PlayStation Store.
Got feedback, queries, or questions? Stop by our social media channels and let us know:
Discord + XboxClub + Facebook + Twitter + Instagram + Xbox + Steam + TikTok.