Hunters, we hope you are all enjoying our new map on the PC Live servers, and we can't wait for console players to dive into DeSalle soon. It's certainly inspired some of the highlights in your July fan art wrap-up!
Before we dive into the action, this time featuring sweet screenshots, gameplay straight outta 'DeSalle,' and a fantastic Discord Bot that you can add to your server, we'd like to remind you about our two latest blog posts all about 'DeSalle.' Read 'DeSalle is here' for a general overview about our third map and check out 'The History of Upper & Lower DeSalle' to learn more about two of our sixteen new compounds on the map.
As ever, if you're inspired to make something Hunt-related, be sure to post it on our social channels for everyone to enjoy, and your work might also feature in next month's wrap-up. You can find us on Discord, Xbox Club,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram, Xbox, Steam, and TikTok.
In July, we loved…
'MrPony' is back this month with some new fan art, inspired by the saloon in 'Lower DeSalle.'

Next up, we have a drawing of 'Scrapbeak' created by 'Violet.' We love all of the small details in this fantastic, atmospheric piece.

More amazing 'Scrapbeak' fan art comes from Dorulax. Keep an eye out for his razor sharp, brutal bear trap!

In July, we asked our community to take some killer screenshots of 'DeSalle.' We've already shared many of them via social media, but we liked two of them so much we wanted to heap kudos on them again.
Feel the calm before the storm as a sniper scopes out the compound before approaching the next clue in this great shot taken by 'Obsidia65501167'.

And feel the tension as a Duo team approaches the 'Pearl Plantation' compound in this cool screenshot from 'quinx.'

Now it's time to shine a light on some fantastic content from one of our beloved 'Night of the Hunter' partners.
This month we're sharing one of the latest videos from 'Vombuz,' showing some mighty matches from the PC Test servers when 'DeSalle' was still in the testing phase.
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Thank you to everybody who shared their creations with us in July, and we're already excited for what the community comes up with in August. Don't forget to share your Hunt-inspired art or cool video clips on our social channels for the community and so our team can check them out ahead of next month's fan art wrap-up.
Before we sign off, our attention has been drawn to something very special indeed. Our community member 'CorgZ' has created a superb Discord Bot with a vast amount of content in it. In fact, it took them over two months to make it!
With over 250 commands, the bot can provide you with the complete 'Book of Weapons' from the game, including player spawns for each map. And it's getting bigger, as planned upcoming features include Traits and the 'Book of Monsters.'
So if you want to add this badass bot to a community-driven Discord server, or your own, follow this link. If you need help, 'CorgZ' even created a guide on Steam for you!
See you in DeSalle!
- Your Hunt: Showdown Community Team
Don't own Hunt yet? Get a copy for PC on Steam or from the Crytek store. For Xbox, head to the Microsoft Store, and for PS4, visit the PlayStation Store.
Got feedback, queries, or questions? Stop by our social media channels and let us know:
Discord + XboxClub + Facebook + Twitter + Instagram + Xbox + Steam + TikTok.